Django가 사용자 정의 양식 매개 변수를 Formset에 전달
이것은 Django 1.9에서 form_kwargs 로 수정되었습니다 .
다음과 같은 장고 양식이 있습니다.
class ServiceForm(forms.Form):
option = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=ServiceOption.objects.none())
rate = forms.DecimalField(widget=custom_widgets.SmallField())
units = forms.IntegerField(min_value=1, widget=custom_widgets.SmallField())
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
affiliate = kwargs.pop('affiliate')
super(ServiceForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.fields["option"].queryset = ServiceOption.objects.filter(affiliate=affiliate)
이 양식을 다음과 같이 부릅니다.
form = ServiceForm(affiliate=request.affiliate)
로그인 한 사용자는 어디에 있습니까 ? 의도 한대로 작동합니다.
내 문제는 이제이 단일 양식을 양식 세트로 바꾸고 싶다는 것입니다. 내가 알 수없는 것은 양식 세트를 만들 때 가맹 정보를 개별 양식에 전달하는 방법입니다. 이것으로부터 폼셋을 만드는 문서에 따르면 나는 다음과 같이해야합니다.
ServiceFormSet = forms.formsets.formset_factory(ServiceForm, extra=3)
그런 다음 다음과 같이 만들어야합니다.
formset = ServiceFormSet()
이제 이런 식으로 계열사 = request.affiliate를 개별 양식에 어떻게 전달할 수 있습니까?
내가 사용하는 것이 functools.partial 및 functools.wraps를 :
from functools import partial, wraps
from django.forms.formsets import formset_factory
ServiceFormSet = formset_factory(wraps(ServiceForm)(partial(ServiceForm, affiliate=request.affiliate)), extra=3)
나는 이것이 가장 깨끗한 접근법이라고 생각하며 어떤 식 으로든 ServiceForm에 영향을 미치지 않습니다 (즉, 서브 클래스 화를 어렵게 함).
공식 문서 방법
장고 2.0 :
ArticleFormSet = formset_factory(MyArticleForm)
formset = ArticleFormSet(form_kwargs={'user': request.user})
함수에서 폼 클래스를 동적으로 작성하여 클로저를 통해 가맹점에 액세스 할 수 있습니다.
def make_service_form(affiliate):
class ServiceForm(forms.Form):
option = forms.ModelChoiceField(
rate = forms.DecimalField(widget=custom_widgets.SmallField())
units = forms.IntegerField(min_value=1,
return ServiceForm
보너스로 옵션 필드에서 쿼리 세트를 다시 작성할 필요가 없습니다. 단점은 서브 클래 싱이 약간 펑키하다는 것입니다. (하위 클래스는 비슷한 방식으로 만들어야합니다.)
주석에 대한 응답으로 클래스 이름을 사용할 장소에 대해이 함수를 호출 할 수 있습니다.
def view(request):
affiliate = get_object_or_404(id=request.GET.get('id'))
formset_cls = formset_factory(make_service_form(affiliate))
formset = formset_cls(request.POST)
이것이 장고 1.7에서 나를 위해 일한 것입니다.
from django.utils.functional import curry
lols = {'lols':'lols'}
formset = modelformset_factory(MyModel, form=myForm, extra=0)
formset.form = staticmethod(curry(MyForm, lols=lols))
return formset
class MyForm(forms.ModelForm):
def __init__(self, lols, *args, **kwargs):
그것이 누군가를 도울 수 있기를 바랍니다.
I like the closure solution for being "cleaner" and more Pythonic (so +1 to mmarshall answer) but Django forms also have a callback mechanism you can use for filtering querysets in formsets.
It's also not documented, which I think is an indicator the Django devs might not like it as much.
So you basically create your formset the same but add the callback:
ServiceFormSet = forms.formsets.formset_factory(
ServiceForm, extra=3, formfield_callback=Callback('option', affiliate).cb)
This is creating an instance of a class that looks like this:
class Callback(object):
def __init__(self, field_name, aff):
self._field_name = field_name
self._aff = aff
def cb(self, field, **kwargs):
nf = field.formfield(**kwargs)
if == self._field_name: # this is 'options' field
nf.queryset = ServiceOption.objects.filter(affiliate=self._aff)
return nf
This should give you the general idea. It's a little more complex making the callback an object method like this, but gives you a little more flexibility as opposed to doing a simple function callback.
I wanted to place this as a comment to Carl Meyers answer, but since that requires points I just placed it here. This took me 2 hours to figure out so I hope it will help someone.
A note about using the inlineformset_factory.
I used that solution my self and it worked perfect, until I tried it with the inlineformset_factory. I was running Django 1.0.2 and got some strange KeyError exception. I upgraded to latest trunk and it worked direct.
I can now use it similar to this:
BookFormSet = inlineformset_factory(Author, Book, form=BookForm)
BookFormSet.form = staticmethod(curry(BookForm, user=request.user))
As of commit e091c18f50266097f648efc7cac2503968e9d217 on Tue Aug 14 23:44:46 2012 +0200 the accepted solution can't work anymore.
The current version of django.forms.models.modelform_factory() function uses a "type construction technique", calling the type() function on the passed form to get the metaclass type, then using the result to construct a class-object of its type on the fly::
# Instatiate type(form) in order to use the same metaclass as form.
return type(form)(class_name, (form,), form_class_attrs)
This means even a curry
ed or partial
object passed instead of a form "causes the duck to bite you" so to speak: it'll call a function with the construction parameters of a ModelFormClass
object, returning the error message::
function() argument 1 must be code, not str
To work around this I wrote a generator function that uses a closure to return a subclass of any class specified as first parameter, that then calls super.__init__
after update
ing the kwargs with the ones supplied on the generator function's call::
def class_gen_with_kwarg(cls, **additionalkwargs):
"""class generator for subclasses with additional 'stored' parameters (in a closure)
This is required to use a formset_factory with a form that need additional
initialization parameters (see
class ClassWithKwargs(cls):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(ClassWithKwargs, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
return ClassWithKwargs
Then in your code you'll call the form factory as::
MyFormSet = inlineformset_factory(ParentModel, Model,form = class_gen_with_kwarg(MyForm, user=self.request.user))
- this received very little testing, at least for now
- supplied parameters could clash and overwrite those used by whatever code will use the object returned by the constructor
Carl Meyer's solution looks very elegant. I tried implementing it for modelformsets. I was under the impression that I could not call staticmethods within a class, but the following inexplicably works:
class MyModel(models.Model):
myField = models.CharField(max_length=10)
class MyForm(ModelForm):
_request = None
class Meta:
model = MyModel
def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):
self._request = kwargs.pop('request', None)
class MyFormsetBase(BaseModelFormSet):
_request = None
def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):
self._request = kwargs.pop('request', None)
subFormClass = self.form
self.form = curry(subFormClass,request=self._request)
MyFormset = modelformset_factory(MyModel,formset=MyFormsetBase,extra=1,max_num=10,can_delete=True)
MyFormset.form = staticmethod(curry(MyForm,request=MyFormsetBase._request))
In my view, if I do something like this:
formset = MyFormset(request.POST,queryset=MyModel.objects.all(),request=request)
Then the "request" keyword gets propagated to all of the member forms of my formset. I'm pleased, but I have no idea why this is working - it seems wrong. Any suggestions?
I spent some time trying to figure out this problem before I saw this posting.
The solution I came up with was the closure solution (and it is a solution I've used before with Django model forms).
I tried the curry() method as described above, but I just couldn't get it to work with Django 1.0 so in the end I reverted to the closure method.
The closure method is very neat and the only slight oddness is that the class definition is nested inside the view or another function. I think the fact that this looks odd to me is a hangup from my previous programming experience and I think someone with a background in more dynamic languages wouldn't bat an eyelid!
I had to do a similar thing. This is similar to the curry
def form_with_my_variable(myvar):
class MyForm(ServiceForm):
def __init__(self, myvar=myvar, *args, **kwargs):
super(SeriveForm, self).__init__(myvar=myvar, *args, **kwargs)
return MyForm
factory = inlineformset_factory(..., form=form_with_my_variable(myvar), ... )
I'm a newbie here so I can't add comment. I hope this code will work too:
ServiceFormSet = formset_factory(ServiceForm, extra=3)
ServiceFormSet.formset = staticmethod(curry(ServiceForm, affiliate=request.affiliate))
as for adding additional parameters to the formset's BaseFormSet
instead of form.
based on this answer I found more clear solution:
class ServiceForm(forms.Form):
option = forms.ModelChoiceField(
rate = forms.DecimalField(widget=custom_widgets.SmallField())
units = forms.IntegerField(min_value=1,
def make_service_form(affiliate):
self.affiliate = affiliate
return ServiceForm
And run it in view like
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