C ++에서 메모리 누수를 피하기위한 일반 지침
C ++ 프로그램에서 메모리가 누출되지 않도록하는 일반적인 팁은 무엇입니까? 동적으로 할당 된 메모리를 누가 확보해야하는지 어떻게 알 수 있습니까?
메모리를 수동으로 관리하는 대신 해당되는 경우 스마트 포인터를 사용하십시오. Boost lib , TR1 및 스마트 포인터를
살펴보십시오 . 또한 스마트 포인터는 이제 C ++ 11 이라는 C ++ 표준의 일부입니다 .
RAII 및 스마트 포인터에 대한 모든 조언을 철저히 보증하지만 약간 더 높은 수준의 팁을 추가하고 싶습니다. 관리하기 가장 쉬운 메모리는 할당하지 않은 메모리입니다. 거의 모든 것이 참조 인 C # 및 Java와는 달리 C ++에서는 가능할 때마다 객체를 스택에 배치해야합니다. Stroustrup 박사를 포함한 여러 사람들이 지적한 것처럼 C ++에서 가비지 수집이 인기가 없었던 주된 이유는 잘 작성된 C ++이 처음에는 많은 가비지를 생산하지 않기 때문입니다.
쓰지 마
Object* x = new Object;
shared_ptr<Object> x(new Object);
그냥 쓸 수있을 때
Object x;
- 가비지 콜렉션을 잊어 버리십시오 (대신 RAII를 사용하십시오). 가비지 콜렉터도 누출 될 수 있으며 (Java / C #에서 일부 참조를 "널링"하는 것을 잊어 버린 경우), 가비지 콜렉터는 자원을 처리하는 데 도움이되지 않습니다 (손잡이를 획득 한 오브젝트가있는 경우). Java에서 수동으로 수행하지 않거나 C #에서 "dispose"패턴을 사용하면 오브젝트가 범위를 벗어날 때 파일이 자동으로 해제되지 않습니다.
- "함수 당 하나의 리턴"규칙을 잊어 버리십시오 . 이것은 누출을 피하기위한 좋은 C 조언이지만 예외 사용으로 인해 C ++에서는 구식입니다 (대신 RAII 사용).
- 반면 은 "샌드위치 패턴은" 좋은 C 조언은, 그것은 C ++에서 구식이되어 있기 때문에 예외의 사용 (대신 사용 RAII)의.
이 게시물은 반복적 인 것으로 보이지만 C ++에서 알아야 할 가장 기본적인 패턴은 RAII 입니다.
boost, TR1 또는 심지어는 낮지 만 (충분히 효율적인) auto_ptr에서 스마트 포인터를 사용하는 법을 배우십시오 (그러나 그 한계를 알아야합니다).
RAII는 C ++에서 예외 안전 및 리소스 처리의 기초이며, 다른 패턴 (샌드위치 등)은 둘 다를 제공하지 않습니다 (대부분의 경우 아무 것도 제공하지 않음).
RAII와 비 RAII 코드의 비교는 아래를 참조하십시오.
void doSandwich()
T * p = new T() ;
// do something with p
delete p ; // leak if the p processing throws or return
void doRAIIDynamic()
std::auto_ptr<T> p(new T()) ; // you can use other smart pointers, too
// do something with p
// WON'T EVER LEAK, even in case of exceptions, returns, breaks, etc.
void doRAIIStatic()
T p ;
// do something with p
// WON'T EVER LEAK, even in case of exceptions, returns, breaks, etc.
요약하면 ( Ogre Psalm33 의 의견 이후 ) RAII는 다음 세 가지 개념에 의존합니다.
- 객체가 생성되면 작동합니다! 생성자에서 리소스를 얻습니다.
- 객체 파괴로 충분합니다! 소멸자에서 무료 리소스를 사용하십시오.
- 범위에 관한 모든 것입니다! 범위가 지정된 객체 (위의 doRAIIStatic 예제 참조)는 선언시 생성되며 종료 (반환, 중단, 예외 등)에 관계없이 실행이 범위를 종료하는 순간에 삭제됩니다.
이것은 올바른 C ++ 코드에서 대부분의 객체가로 구성되지 new
않고 대신 스택에서 선언 됨을 의미합니다 . 그리고를 사용하여 생성 된 사람들의 new
경우 모두 범위가 지정됩니다 (예 : 스마트 포인터에 연결).
개발자는 수동 리소스 처리 (C에서 수행 한 것처럼 또는 Java의 경우 try
/ finally
를 집중적으로 사용하는 일부 객체)에 신경 쓸 필요가 없으므로 매우 강력합니다 ...
편집 (2012-02-12)
"범위가 지정된 객체는 ... 종료 여부에 관계없이 파괴됩니다"는 전적으로 사실이 아닙니다. RAII를 속이는 방법이 있습니다. terminate ()의 모든 특징은 정리를 무시합니다. 이와 관련하여 exit (EXIT_SUCCESS)는 옥시 모론입니다.
– 빌헬름 텔
wilhelmtell 은 그 점에 대해 매우 옳습니다. RAII를 속이는 예외적 인 방법 이 있습니다 .
사람들은 뛰어난 C ++ 코드 등, 종료 종료 뒤덮되지 않기 때문에 방법, 또는 예외의 경우에, 우리는 싶어 처리되지 않은 예외가 그대로 공정 및 코어 덤프 메모리 이미지를 충돌, 그리고 청소 후.
그러나 거의 발생하지 않지만 여전히 발생할 수 있기 때문에 이러한 경우에 대해 알아야합니다.
(누가 호출 terminate
또는 exit
캐주얼 C에서 ++ 코드는 ... 내가 함께 연주 할 때 그 문제를 해결하는 데 기억? GLUT :이 라이브러리는 멀리 적극적으로 개발자가 배려하지 좋아 ++ C에 대한 일을 어렵게 만들 그것을 디자인으로가는 매우 C 지향 에 대해 스택에 할당 된 데이터 , 또는에 대해 "흥미로운"결정을 가진 적이 자신의 메인 루프에서 돌아 없습니다 ... 나는) 그것에 대해 언급하지 않습니다 .
부스트의 스마트 포인터 와 같은 스마트 포인터를보고 싶을 것 입니다.
int main()
Object* obj = new Object();
delete obj;
boost :: shared_ptr은 참조 횟수가 0이되면 자동으로 삭제됩니다.
int main()
boost::shared_ptr<Object> obj(new Object());
// destructor destroys when reference count is zero
마지막 참고 사항 인 "참조 횟수가 0 일 때 가장 멋진 부분입니다. 따라서 개체를 여러 명 사용하는 경우 개체가 아직 사용 중인지 여부를 추적 할 필요가 없습니다. 공유 포인터, 그것은 파괴된다.
그러나 이것은 만병 통치약이 아닙니다. 기본 포인터에 액세스 할 수 있지만 수행중인 작업에 대한 확신이 없으면 타사 API에 전달하지 않습니다. 많은 경우, 작성 범위가 완료된 후 작업을 수행하기 위해 다른 스레드에 "게시"하는 것들. 이것은 Win32의 PostThreadMessage에서 일반적입니다.
void foo()
boost::shared_ptr<Object> obj(new Object());
// Simplified here
PostThreadMessage(...., (LPARAM)ob.get());
// Destructor destroys! pointer sent to PostThreadMessage is invalid! Zohnoes!
항상 그렇듯이 모든 도구와 함께 사고 뚜껑을 사용하십시오 ...
RAII를 읽고 이해하십시오.
대부분의 메모리 누수는 개체 소유권과 수명에 대해 명확하지 않은 결과입니다.
The first thing to do is to allocate on the Stack whenever you can. This deals with most of the cases where you need to allocate a single object for some purpose.
If you do need to 'new' an object then most of the time it will have a single obvious owner for the rest of its lifetime. For this situation I tend to use a bunch of collections templates that are designed for 'owning' objects stored in them by pointer. They are implemented with the STL vector and map containers but have some differences:
- These collections can not be copied or assigned to. (once they contain objects.)
- Pointers to objects are inserted into them.
- When the collection is deleted the destructor is first called on all objects in the collection. (I have another version where it asserts if destructed and not empty.)
- Since they store pointers you can also store inherited objects in these containers.
My beaf with STL is that it is so focused on Value objects while in most applications objects are unique entities that do not have meaningful copy semantics required for use in those containers.
Bah, you young kids and your new-fangled garbage collectors...
Very strong rules on "ownership" - what object or part of the software has the right to delete the object. Clear comments and wise variable names to make it obvious if a pointer "owns" or is "just look, don't touch". To help decide who owns what, follow as much as possible the "sandwich" pattern within every subroutine or method.
create a thing
use that thing
destroy that thing
Sometimes it's necessary to create and destroy in widely different places; i think hard to avoid that.
In any program requiring complex data structures, i create a strict clear-cut tree of objects containing other objects - using "owner" pointers. This tree models the basic hierarchy of application domain concepts. Example a 3D scene owns objects, lights, textures. At the end of the rendering when the program quits, there's a clear way to destroy everything.
Many other pointers are defined as needed whenever one entity needs access another, to scan over arays or whatever; these are the "just looking". For the 3D scene example - an object uses a texture but does not own; other objects may use that same texture. The destruction of an object does not invoke destruction of any textures.
Yes it's time consuming but that's what i do. I rarely have memory leaks or other problems. But then i work in the limited arena of high-performance scientific, data acquisition and graphics software. I don't often deal transactions like in banking and ecommerce, event-driven GUIs or high networked asynchronous chaos. Maybe the new-fangled ways have an advantage there!
Great question!
if you are using c++ and you are developing real-time CPU-and-memory boud application (like games) you need to write your own Memory Manager.
I think the better you can do is merge some interesting works of various authors, I can give you some hint:
Fixed size allocator is heavily discussed, everywhere in the net
Small Object Allocation was introduced by Alexandrescu in 2001 in his perfect book "Modern c++ design"
A great advancement (with source code distributed) can be found in an amazing article in Game Programming Gem 7 (2008) named "High Performance Heap allocator" written by Dimitar Lazarov
A great list of resources can be found in this article
Do not start writing a noob unuseful allocator by yourself... DOCUMENT YOURSELF first.
One technique that has become popular with memory management in C++ is RAII. Basically you use constructors/destructors to handle resource allocation. Of course there are some other obnoxious details in C++ due to exception safety, but the basic idea is pretty simple.
The issue generally comes down to one of ownership. I highly recommend reading the Effective C++ series by Scott Meyers and Modern C++ Design by Andrei Alexandrescu.
There's already a lot about how to not leak, but if you need a tool to help you track leaks take a look at:
- BoundsChecker under VS
- MMGR C/C++ lib from FluidStudio http://www.paulnettle.com/pub/FluidStudios/MemoryManagers/Fluid_Studios_Memory_Manager.zip (its overrides the allocation methods and creates a report of the allocations, leaks, etc)
User smart pointers everywhere you can! Whole classes of memory leaks just go away.
Share and know memory ownership rules across your project. Using the COM rules makes for the best consistency ([in] parameters are owned by the caller, callee must copy; [out] params are owned by the caller, callee must make a copy if keeping a reference; etc.)
valgrind is a good tool to check your programs memory leakages at runtime, too.
It is available on most flavors of Linux (including Android) and on Darwin.
If you use to write unit tests for your programs, you should get in the habit of systematicaly running valgrind on tests. It will potentially avoid many memory leaks at an early stage. It is also usually easier to pinpoint them in simple tests that in a full software.
Of course this advice stay valid for any other memory check tool.
Also, don't use manually allocated memory if there's a std library class (e.g. vector). Make sure if you violate that rule that you have a virtual destructor.
If you can't/don't use a smart pointer for something (although that should be a huge red flag), type in your code with:
if allocation succeeded:
{ //scope)
That's obvious, but make sure you type it before you type any code in the scope
A frequent source of these bugs is when you have a method that accepts a reference or pointer to an object but leaves ownership unclear. Style and commenting conventions can make this less likely.
Let the case where the function takes ownership of the object be the special case. In all situations where this happens, be sure to write a comment next to the function in the header file indicating this. You should strive to make sure that in most cases the module or class which allocates an object is also responsible for deallocating it.
Using const can help a lot in some cases. If a function will not modify an object, and does not store a reference to it that persists after it returns, accept a const reference. From reading the caller's code it will be obvious that your function has not accepted ownership of the object. You could have had the same function accept a non-const pointer, and the caller may or may not have assumed that the callee accepted ownership, but with a const reference there's no question.
Do not use non-const references in argument lists. It is very unclear when reading the caller code that the callee may have kept a reference to the parameter.
I disagree with the comments recommending reference counted pointers. This usually works fine, but when you have a bug and it doesn't work, especially if your destructor does something non-trivial, such as in a multithreaded program. Definitely try to adjust your design to not need reference counting if it's not too hard.
Tips in order of Importance:
-Tip#1 Always remember to declare your destructors "virtual".
-Tip#2 Use RAII
-Tip#3 Use boost's smartpointers
-Tip#4 Don't write your own buggy Smartpointers, use boost (on a project I'm on right now I can't use boost, and I've suffered having to debug my own smart pointers, I would definately not take the same route again, but then again right now I can't add boost to our dependencies)
-Tip#5 If its some casual/non-performance critical (as in games with thousands of objects) work look at Thorsten Ottosen's boost pointer container
-Tip#6 Find a leak detection header for your platform of choice such as Visual Leak Detection's "vld" header
If you can, use boost shared_ptr and standard C++ auto_ptr. Those convey ownership semantics.
When you return an auto_ptr, you are telling the caller that you are giving them ownership of the memory.
When you return a shared_ptr, you are telling the caller that you have a reference to it and they take part of the ownership, but it isn't solely their responsibility.
These semantics also apply to parameters. If the caller passes you an auto_ptr, they are giving you ownership.
Others have mentioned ways of avoiding memory leaks in the first place (like smart pointers). But a profiling and memory-analysis tool is often the only way to track down memory problems once you have them.
Valgrind memcheck is an excellent free one.
For MSVC only, add the following to the top of each .cpp file:
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
Then, when debugging with VS2003 or greater, you will be told of any leaks when your program exits (it tracks new/delete). It's basic, but it has helped me in the past.
valgrind (only avail for *nix platforms) is a very nice memory checker
If you are going to manage your memory manually, you have two cases:
- I created the object (perhaps indirectly, by calling a function that allocates a new object), I use it (or a function I call uses it), then I free it.
- Somebody gave me the reference, so I should not free it.
If you need to break any of these rules, please document it.
It is all about pointer ownership.
- Try to avoid allocating objects dynamically. As long as classes have appropriate constructors and destructors, use a variable of the class type, not a pointer to it, and you avoid dynamical allocation and deallocation because the compiler will do it for you.
Actually that's also the mechanism used by "smart pointers" and referred to as RAII by some of the other writers ;-) . - When you pass objects to other functions, prefer reference parameters over pointers. This avoids some possible errors.
- Declare parameters const, where possible, especially pointers to objects. That way objects can't be freed "accidentially" (except if you cast the const away ;-))).
- Minimize the number of places in the program where you do memory allocation and deallocation. E. g. if you do allocate or free the same type several times, write a function for it (or a factory method ;-)).
This way you can create debug output (which addresses are allocated and deallocated, ...) easily, if required. - Use a factory function to allocate objects of several related classes from a single function.
- If your classes have a common base class with a virtual destructor, you can free all of them using the same function (or static method).
- Check your program with tools like purify (unfortunately many $/€/...).
You can intercept the memory allocation functions and see if there are some memory zones not freed upon program exit (though it is not suitable for all the applications).
It can also be done at compile time by replacing operators new and delete and other memory allocation functions.
For example check in this site [Debugging memory allocation in C++] Note: There is a trick for delete operator also something like this:
#define DEBUG_DELETE PrepareDelete(__LINE__,__FILE__); delete
#define delete DEBUG_DELETE
You can store in some variables the name of the file and when the overloaded delete operator will know which was the place it was called from. This way you can have the trace of every delete and malloc from your program. At the end of the memory checking sequence you should be able to report what allocated block of memory was not 'deleted' identifying it by filename and line number which is I guess what you want.
You could also try something like BoundsChecker under Visual Studio which is pretty interesting and easy to use.
We wrap all our allocation functions with a layer that appends a brief string at the front and a sentinel flag at the end. So for example you'd have a call to "myalloc( pszSomeString, iSize, iAlignment ); or new( "description", iSize ) MyObject(); which internally allocates the specified size plus enough space for your header and sentinel. Of course, don't forget to comment this out for non-debug builds! It takes a little more memory to do this but the benefits far outweigh the costs.
This has three benefits - first it allows you to easily and quickly track what code is leaking, by doing quick searches for code allocated in certain 'zones' but not cleaned up when those zones should have freed. It can also be useful to detect when a boundary has been overwritten by checking to ensure all sentinels are intact. This has saved us numerous times when trying to find those well-hidden crashes or array missteps. The third benefit is in tracking the use of memory to see who the big players are - a collation of certain descriptions in a MemDump tells you when 'sound' is taking up way more space than you anticipated, for example.
C++ is designed RAII in mind. There is really no better way to manage memory in C++ I think. But be careful not to allocate very big chunks (like buffer objects) on local scope. It can cause stack overflows and, if there is a flaw in bounds checking while using that chunk, you can overwrite other variables or return addresses, which leads to all kinds security holes.
One of the only examples about allocating and destroying in different places is thread creation (the parameter you pass). But even in this case is easy. Here is the function/method creating a thread:
struct myparams {
int x;
std::vector<double> z;
std::auto_ptr<myparams> param(new myparams(x, ...));
// Release the ownership in case thread creation is successfull
if (0 == pthread_create(&th, NULL, th_func, param.get()) param.release();
Here instead the thread function
extern "C" void* th_func(void* p) {
try {
std::auto_ptr<myparams> param((myparams*)p);
} catch(...) {
return 0;
Pretty easyn isn't it? In case the thread creation fails the resource will be free'd (deleted) by the auto_ptr, otherwise the ownership will be passed to the thread. What if the thread is so fast that after creation it releases the resource before the
gets called in the main function/method? Nothing! Because we will 'tell' the auto_ptr to ignore the deallocation. Is C++ memory management easy isn't it? Cheers,
Manage memory the same way you manage other resources (handles, files, db connections, sockets...). GC would not help you with them either.
Exactly one return from any function. That way you can do deallocation there and never miss it.
It's too easy to make a mistake otherwise:
new a()
if (Bad()) {delete a; return;}
new b()
if (Bad()) {delete a; delete b; return;}
... // etc.
참고URL : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/76796/general-guidelines-to-avoid-memory-leaks-in-c
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