
이미지가 언제로드되는지 알기 위해 JavaScript 콜백을 만드는 방법은 무엇입니까?

big-blog 2020. 7. 22. 07:33

이미지가 언제로드되는지 알기 위해 JavaScript 콜백을 만드는 방법은 무엇입니까?

이미지로드가 완료된시기를 알고 싶습니다. 콜백으로 할 수있는 방법이 있습니까?

그렇지 않다면 전혀 할 수있는 방법이 있습니까?

.complete + 콜백

이는 추가 종속성이없는 표준 호환 방법이며 더 이상 필요하지 않습니다.

var img = document.querySelector('img')

function loaded() {

if (img.complete) {
} else {
  img.addEventListener('load', loaded)
  img.addEventListener('error', function() {

출처 :

Image.onload () 가 종종 작동합니다.

이를 사용하려면 src 속성을 설정하기 전에 이벤트 핸들러를 바인드해야합니다.

관련된 링크들:

사용법 예 :

    window.onload = function () {

        var logo = document.getElementById('sologo');

        logo.onload = function () {
            alert ("The image has loaded!");		

            logo.src = '';         
        }, 5000);
    <title>Image onload()</title>

    <img src="#" alt="This image is going to load" id="sologo"/>

    <script type="text/javascript">


Javascript 이미지 클래스의 .complete 속성을 사용할 수 있습니다.

I have an application where I store a number of Image objects in an array, that will be dynamically added to the screen, and as they're loading I write updates to another div on the page. Here's a code snippet:

var gAllImages = [];

function makeThumbDivs(thumbnailsBegin, thumbnailsEnd)
    gAllImages = [];

    for (var i = thumbnailsBegin; i < thumbnailsEnd; i++) 
        var theImage = new Image();
        theImage.src = "thumbs/" + getFilename(globals.gAllPageGUIDs[i]);

        setTimeout('checkForAllImagesLoaded()', 5);
        window.status="Creating thumbnail "+(i+1)+" of " + thumbnailsEnd;

        // make a new div containing that image

function checkForAllImagesLoaded()
    for (var i = 0; i < gAllImages.length; i++) {
        if (!gAllImages[i].complete) {
            var percentage = i * 100.0 / (gAllImages.length);
            percentage = percentage.toFixed(0).toString() + ' %';

            userMessagesController.setMessage("loading... " + percentage);
            setTimeout('checkForAllImagesLoaded()', 20);


You could use the load()-event in jQuery but it won't always fire if the image is loaded from the browser cache. This plugin can be used to remedy that problem.

Life is too short for jquery.

function waitForImageToLoad(imageElement){
  return new Promise(resolve=>{imageElement.onload = resolve})

var myImage = document.getElementById('myImage');
var newImageSrc = ""

myImage.src = newImageSrc;
  // Image have loaded.
  console.log('Loaded lol')
<img id="myImage" src="">

Here is jQuery equivalent:

var $img = $('img');

if ($img.length > 0 && !$img.get(0).complete) {
   $img.on('load', triggerAction);

function triggerAction() {
   alert('img has been loaded');

these functions will solve the problem, you need to implement the DrawThumbnails function and have a global variable to store the images. I love to get this to work with a class object that has the ThumbnailImageArray as a member variable, but am struggling!

called as in addThumbnailImages(10);

var ThumbnailImageArray = [];

function addThumbnailImages(MaxNumberOfImages)
    var imgs = [];

    for (var i=1; i<MaxNumberOfImages; i++)

    preloadimages(imgs).done(function (images){
            var c=0;

            for(var i=0; i<images.length; i++)
                if(images[i].width >0) 
                    if(c != i)
                        images[c] = images[i];

            images.length = c;


function preloadimages(arr)
    var loadedimages=0
    var postaction=function(){}
    var arr=(typeof arr!="object")? [arr] : arr

    function imageloadpost()
        if (loadedimages==arr.length)
            postaction(ThumbnailImageArray); //call postaction and pass in newimages array as parameter

    for (var i=0; i<arr.length; i++)
        ThumbnailImageArray[i]=new Image();
        ThumbnailImageArray[i].onload=function(){ imageloadpost();};
        ThumbnailImageArray[i].onerror=function(){ imageloadpost();};
    //return blank object with done() method    
    //remember user defined callback functions to be called when images load
    return  { done:function(f){ postaction=f || postaction } };

If you are using React.js, you could do this:

render() {

// ...

onLoad={() => this.onImgLoad({ item })}
onError={() => this.onImgLoad({ item })}

src={item.src} key={item.key}
ref={item.key} />

// ... }


  • - onLoad (...) now will called with something like this: { src: "https://......png", key:"1" } you can use this as "key" to know which images is loaded correctly and which not.
  • - onError(...) it is the same but for errors.
  • - the object "item" is something like this { key:"..", src:".."} you can use to store the images' URL and key in order to use in a list of images.

  • 참고URL :
